Josue Alvarado

Graphic designer and marketer,  he has developed graphic identity and visual communication systems for over 7 years. Josué works on different areas such as photography, branding, social media and animation. He’s a coffee lover, amateur musician and a firm believer that a better world is possible. If you see him, buy him a drink 😉

Kency Galvez

Computer systems engineer with a specialty in software engineering. She loves anything tech related. She is focused in the application of quality improvement models in both project management and software development. She enjoys seeing new places and read various books.

Cristhian Zavala

BSc in Computer Systems and Master in Interactive User Centric Systems, Cristhian is passionate about tech and innovation applied to web tech projects. In his free time he enjoys his family, working out and music.

Isaac Chin

Computer Systems Engineer by UTEL University. Isaac is focused in mobile development and has proven experience in Swift, Java and Flutter. He’s passionate about cryptocurrency and Blockchain tech.

Geovanni Simuta

BSc in Computer Systems, Microsoft Student Partner 2012. With over six years of experience developing desktop, mobile and web apps, he is really comfortable in OOP PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JS. He feels accomplished when combining different technologies in order to produce, simple, usable and elegant software.

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