Proposal for the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes Museum Circuit. This Web platform works as an Art Archive and Art Promotion tool.
It conveys content management and the automated creation of Art Exhibitions catalogs.


Find it! is a Web & Android platform combo designed to track smartphones and generate data through native GPS functions.
It’s aimed towards SMEs seeking to enhance their human and vehicle assets on the go.


iOS app and Web Management platform that assists you in making appointments for beauty services. It allows beauty parlors to manage both their staff and future and past appointments, while bringing new customers through the App.


This P2P (Peer-to-peer) web platform was developed for a Startup that aims to connect people seeking help in house chores and the workers who can supply these services.
It allows buyers to compare quotes from the providers subscribed to this service.


Mittec is a web platform that seeks to get rid of paper use in healthcare. It does so by allowing physicians, patients and pharmacies a convenient and safe access to online prescriptions.


Platform intended to manage competitions created by Chiapas State’s Economy Department & FOFOE.
The quizes implemented to the applicants are designed through intelligent filters that weight every vital element in the competition. Intended for entrepreneurs from all over Mexico.


Platform intended to manage competitions created by Chiapas State’s Economy Department & FOFOE.
The quizes applied to the applicants are designed through intelligent filters that weight every vital element in the competition. Intended for entrepreneurs from Chiapas.


Online Platform that blends Competition, Talent and Tracking for entrepreneurs.
It aims to be the number one resource for the entrepreneur and to promote innovative ideas. It also seeks to broadcast and certify entrepreneurship competitions.


Safe Cab riding App. Through GPS location it connects nearby drivers and passengers.
It also tracks cabs in real time through web services wired to the central, making for an efficient operation.

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